Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Don't Flash the Trainers, Kelly Jo...

Don't worry everyone... the title is misleading. I didn't intentionally do anything unsavory out here in California. I'm still the sweet little midwestern girl! So for all of my friends and readers who may be offended by the idea of what this blog topic will entail... it's not what it seems... but maybe you should skip this particular entry. Because only those of you with as goofy a sense of humor as I will find this story amusing. So ponder that... and if you do not have an inappropriate sense of humor like me, please exit to the right because this rollercoaster is taking off.

Now... story time. As you all know, the purpose of being out here is to fulfill a lifelong goal of health. I wanted to learn what meals to eat, how to prepare them, how to exercise, how to love exercise, and yes... I absolutely wanted to lose weight. My hope when I began was that I'd see a big change by the end of the month and shock everyone with how different I'd look. Over my past two weeks here that goal has changed. It's no longer about how much my looks can change in a month, it's about completely changing my way of life. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice and appreciate the shrinking of several parts of my body.

Though this has been an incredible time and I definitely love the changes my body is going through... there is one area that I have been displeased by seeing diminish (Here's the part where you bail if you aren't comfortable with my humor... let it be known that I DID indeed warn you... twice). That area... I'm sad to say... is my chest. Now, I'm all about honesty here so let me continue by saying that I've always been very pleased with my general shape and curves. God has blessed me with a figure I actually do appreciate and yes, my chest has a lot to do with that. There's just something about being curvaceous that has always helped me enjoy my body, even if I wasn't content with the size of everything else. So I put a lot of stock into those areas.

The most unfortunate part of all of this is the way in which I discovered that my favorite curves had become less... curvy. When I came out here I brought one swimsuit with me. Partially because I was trying to save space in my suitcase and partially because it's the only one I had and they don't sell swimsuits in Kansas in the winter. We don't have much call for them, smack in the middle of the continent with not many options for swimming nearby. Plus I simply do not swim in public. It's just not something I've ever been comfortable with. So one swimsuit has always done just fine. Thanks to the exercise... not so much anymore. Here's how it all went down...

I went to pool for class, as usual, wearing my simple, black bathing suit. It had been about three days since I was last in my suit and as soon as I put it on, I noticed that something felt a little strange. Things were much more roomy around the middle but I couldn't figure out why. So I got into the water as I always do and waited for instruction. One of my favorite trainers, Joel, was leading pool class that day so I knew we'd be in for a pretty active workout... and he did not let me down.

Our first exercise was a side hop from one side of the pool to the other. This is usually something I enjoy so I went for it, full speed ahead, not giving my clearly loose swimsuit any thought. This, my friends... was a mistake. Water filled the top of my suit in a way that it is definitely not supposed to and as I went splashing to the side... suddenly it was colder. Something felt different than usual but I wasn't quite sure what it was. As I came down from the jump and into the water, I realized exactly what had gone wrong. Why I felt strange during that exercise. The entire top half of my swimsuit had been "readjusted" to the side because something had not been there to keep it in place. In a matter of seconds I clasped my arms tightly around my shoulders in the biggest self-bear-hug you could imagine and went crashing down under the water where, thankfully, I could position everything back in its proper place.

Now... whether or not anyone saw anything is not my issue. We're all friends here... things happen.... no judgment! My issue is that I'm losing weight in these various areas and things keep happening to show me how loose my clothes are getting.... uggggh.... such a burden ;-) Just kidding... I'm ECSTATIC! Don't get me wrong, I am indeed partially bummed that I've lost some weight in that particular area, but this also means that my stomach and waist had to have shrunk! My back muscles had to tighten. My overall core area becoming stronger is the cause and that's wonderful! Since that first day I've bought a new swim top to avoid any other instances like that and in the next few weeks I'll be well on my way to buying new jeans because all of my pants are beginning to slip. It's an incredible feeling! In just two and a half weeks I have seen these amazing changes and I'm so excited about the progress. I can't wait to see what it'll be at the end of my stay.

The moral of the story is this... though I am not an exhibitionist nor do I take joy in possibly exposing myself to people on accident... I'll take that risk anytime if it means that I'm succeeding. Though they may have to put a sign up at the pool reminding me to continue to pay attention to the fit of my top, I know for a fact that the Biggest Loser Resort staff is just as excited as I am about this particular problem.

So... don't flash the trainers, Kelly Jo. Just keep altering those clothes to fit your new body :-) You've worked hard for it!

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