Do I want this or not? I've been thinking about that question over the past few days. My eating has been awful this past month. My working out has completely halted. I'm letting my old habits come back with a full force. Why??? If I continue down this path, the 55 pounds I spent over 5 months working so hard to lose will all come back. Then what will I have to say for myself and what I'm trying to do? All efforts will be lost.
So I've been tossing that question around in my head over the past few days. Am I willing to let stress and changes of life throw me off? NO! I have to remember the reasons why I want this so badly.
1) I don't want to just look better, I want to feel better
2) I want to accomplish something greater than anything I've ever done
3) I want to prove that I can overcome anything I set out to
4) I want to honor the life God has planned for me
5) I want to honor the body God gave me
6) I don't want to let down all of the people rooting for me
7) I don't want my family to think that they are the reason that I struggle with this
8) I want to take the opportunities given to me and live life to its fullest
9) I want to dance again
10) I need to save my own life
There are a million other reasons but over the past few days, those are the ones that are sticking out most in my mind. I keep going over them again and again, working my way up to this moment. The moment where I say that enough is enough. The time for walking lazily alongside the wagon is done and I'm ready to jump back up in full force again.
I don't care how hard I have to work and how long it takes me... this is my year. This is my time. I'm done wasting it! September is coming and I'm ready to own it.
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