Wondering where I've been? Yeah... me too. Life has officially gotten in my way and thrown me way, way, WAY off track. I wish I had better news to report like... I don't know... I've lost 20 more pounds but the truth is, I'm stuck.
A few weeks ago I moved, started a strenuous series of rehearsals for the new theatre I'm working at, and went in search of a day job to pay the pills. Praise to God, I found a job and began training this past Monday! But my new daily schedule is jam packed from 6am all the way to midnight or later, with few opportunities for eating so by the time I can, I'm starving! Then I eat the first thing that's put in front of me which is usually unhealthy.
I know the rules... plan ahead. Pack lunches. Prioritize your meals. I know all of these rules to staying on track in a hectic schedule! But between the hours of midnight and 6am, when I have the opportunity to take time for myself, I'm faced with the difficult choice of which is more beneficial to me: a greater amount of sleep, or healthier food for tomorrow. Lately, I'm sad to say that sleep has been winning.
It's a tricky combination... finding the right balance of doing what you need to do to support yourself financially and what you need to support yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It's a balance I haven't fully gotten the right combination to yet but I'm working on it.
The good news is that eating right and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is constantly at the back of my mind. With each unhealthy choice I make, I'm reminding myself that I need to retrain my appetite and soon. That means that I haven't completely lost my motivation and hope that I can pull forward in this. It's still there, I just need to figure it out!
When I find the right direction, I'll let you all know. In the meantime... send some prayers and good thoughts my way. This is still my year! I just need to get my mojo going again
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