I decided when I began that if I was ever tempted by something, I'd take a picture of it. That way when the month is over I can share just how many times I said "No, thank you". Here are about half of the pictures I took. These are not meant to be tempting to anyone so if you struggle with that, turn back now! I just wanted to show how far I'm coming in healing myself of this addiction. So... here's the month of February.
Valentine's Day treats in our main classroom
"Pleasantly Plump Pie Day"... I was tempted but the signs all over the building telling me it was pleasantly plump day helped me avoid it. No thank you, I'd rather be happily healthy!
I call her my "drug dealer", ha ha. When I took this picture she said "You better not put this on your blog!" :-) Oops!
Field trip lunch to Winstead's. I watched them eat this and had my packed lunch of turkey sandwich and veggies
More Valentine's treats
And again...
This was the worst! It's my favorite bakery in the world and it had re-opened after being closed for months. I've never wanted an eclair more in my life!
Brownies... my favorite. Hi Miss Anna!
Gourmet cupcakes for the teachers... just because
Our goodbye party for Mr. Wes. I had a few grapes from that fruit bowl in the corner
So that's just half of the foods I resisted in my first month of this quest. It's not easy. It took a lot of strength to turn down the things I'm craving most. But now I can look back at these pictures and think, wow... what an accomplishment!
Wow, Kelly Jo, this is awesome. You have so much more self control than I do! :) I can't wait to get together with our dance class and see you again!