Monday, February 13, 2012

Any Weight Loss is a Great Loss

I have now been eating healthily for a full week! So far, not only have I not cheated on my meal plan but I haven't even wanted to. That's a first! I don't think I've ever been able to complete a full week without caving to some sort of cheat. When I tried Atkins in high school, I asked my mom to hold me accountable and keep an eye on what I was eating. For those of you who don't know, Atkins keeps you away from most carbs and sugars. I remember being committed to it for about two days but by the third day I couldn't take it anymore. As soon as my family left to go do something and I was home alone, I went crazy for carbs. Mom had thrown out the bread but I was able to find a bagel in our pantry and I chowed down on that thing like I'd never eaten before. That's actually about how most of my attempts at losing weight have gone.

I've had several chances to go back to the dark side. In just one week, I've had to turn down 8 different opportunities to jump off the wagon. I'm so proud of myself! I can't lie and say that I'm super woman and felt no temptation. Believe me, when I went on a field trip with one of the students and we had lunch at Winstead's, I don't think I've ever wanted a cheeseburger and shake so much in my life! But I kept reminding myself of the goal and that nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. I sat in the middle of that restaurant and proudly ate my sack lunch of a turkey sandwich, celery, and wheat crackers. It felt great to be able to stick to something so important!

This morning, I decided to weigh in just to get a general idea of where I'm at. In exactly 6 days, I have now dropped 3 pounds! I know that most people would see that number and think that it isn't much. But this is 3 solid pounds from just changing my food choices. I haven't been working out aside from light activity at work and stretching at home, I haven't been following any specific fitness plan, I've just been eating right! To me, this is an incredible first week accomplishment! It's amazing how much better I feel just from losing that. I have more energy, I've been in better moods, and I've felt ten times more confident. This has become such an amazing part of my life, to focus on doing what's best for me and moving forward little by little to the ultimate goal which I now am certain I'll reach. I'm more motivated and excited than I've ever been!

My goal for the month is 8 lbs. by March 1st. Well... if I've managed to lose 3 in the first week, I'd say I'm on a pretty solid track to reaching that goal. 5 lbs to go in 2.5 weeks!!! This week I'm going to pick some workout dvds and decide on a plan of attack for exercise. That should really put some wind in my sails. I'll let you know how it goes!

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