Sunday, February 5, 2012

Prepping for the Journey

About 2 years ago I heard about a meal plan called the Skinny Switch Secret by Rob Nevins. I'd spoken with a few people who'd found success with it and liked the easiness of staying on it because of how well it fit into their lives. I gave it a try and in two months I was down about 40 pounds. That's averaging 5 pounds a week! I wasn't doing any special exercise except for staying active. At the time, I worked at Disney World and anyone who's done that can tell you... you never sit down. In a 12 hour day, you'd get two 30 minute breaks but it takes 10 minutes just to get up and down the stairs to the break area so it's not much time to rest. Once you're back up in the parks it's constant standing, moving, lifting, and don't even think about leaning to rest on something. Disney cast members should always be full of energy... you lean, you die. (Joke... love you BBB!) So yes, I was keeping my body engaged all throughout the day but it's something that can be done at any job. I eventually had to stop Skinny Switch because I simply did not have the storage space. I lived in a small apartment with 5 other girls and they can tell you that trying to find your own fridge space became like War of the Worlds. Not pretty. Anyway, the food is what made it such a great plan for me and what I intend to try again on this quest. Here's how it works:

The "secret" to Skinny Switch is to vary your caloric intake from day to day. You have two "Lean Out" days and then one "Load Up" day to keep your metabolism from getting set into a rhythm where it'll stop working as hard.

A Lean Out day is, obviously, where you have your lean foods. Lots of light proteins like turkey or almonds, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.
A sample Lean Out day menu:
Breakfast: Special K cereal w/ skim milk
Lunch: Turkey sandwich.
- Multigrain bread (45 calories a slice), reduced fat/low sodium turkey, fat free american cheese, lettuce, and lite mayo. Side of reduced fat Wheat Thins crackers
Snack #1: Strawberries and blackberries over yogurt (4 strawberries cut up, 10 blackberries)
Snack #2: String cheese and carrots
Dinner: Grilled chicken and vegetable medley

A Load Up day is where you can put all of your heavier proteins like beef and chicken, carbohydrates, and yes, even sugar, if you must. Now, it's important to remember that Load Up days are NOT cheat days. It's not an opportunity to go grab whatever you've been craving. But, it provides you the option of having something slightly heavier, if you so choose.
A sample Load Up day menu:
Breakfast: Sausage, egg, and cheese Lean Pocket w/ V8 Fusion juice
Lunch: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich (still reduced fat or fat fee on multigrain bread) w/ fruit medley
Snack #1: Reduced fat Cheez-Its
Snack #2: Granola bar
Dinner: Steak w/ potatoes and salad w/ fat free dressing
     *Dessert (optional): Skinny Cow ice cream bar

So that's the general idea of what I'm going to be eating throughout this process to make a lasting lifestyle change. It's not for everyone but I find that it works really well for me. When I tried it before, I was still being health conscious without being so restrictive that I felt like my body wasn't getting the calories it needed to keep my energy up. Each day is still under the recommended 1500 calorie plan, it just is a bit more varied, which I like. I don't enjoy being bound to salads every day! This gives the freedom to tailor the meal plan to my tastes and it works!

Now I'm off to make my shopping list and plan my meals for the week! Ready to get going on this quest!


  1. Kelly you are amzing!!! Your motivation is wonderful as well as your ability to blog through this!

  2. Thank you so much Kate!!! I appreciate that so much. I'm so glad to have friends like you helping and supporting me through this. It's awesome!
