Saturday, February 4, 2012

Step One: Admitting You Have a Problem

(Blogging is such a foreign concept to me so if you're jumping in on this journey with me, excuse my lack of knowledge in this area!)

HI! I'm Kelly Jo Scott and I am addicted to food. Not just any food... unhealthy food. It's like I can't get enough. I could be completely stuffed with a greasy, fattening dinner and if you put a brownie down in front of me I'd still eat it! It's taken me years to realize it but I now have to come clean and admit that yes, I am a food junkie. Now that I've discovered my problem, I have to put myself into rehab to learn how to control this addiction.

Now you may laugh at that idea of "food rehab" but this kind of addiction is a very real issue! One that I know countless amounts of people struggle with every day. And it's the trickiest to solve. Unlike other addictions, food is something that you are faced with multiple times a day. Not only is it socially acceptable for someone to come up and offer this drug to you, it's encouraged. "It's your birthday, eat this cake!" "You did something great, I baked you these cookies!" "Hey, it's Tuesday, why not have pie?!". I seriously feel like I spend multiple hours a week trying to resist food that someone is kindly and generously offering me. The world would be so much easier if I could just rid it of everything unhealthy but that's not life. And it's not the world's fault that I can't control my portions, it's mine. I have to take responsibility for myself and my actions because when it comes down to it (even though I do need the support and help of others) I'm the only one who can make the necessary changes.

SO... with that in mind, a few months ago I took my first steps towards checking myself into a rehab for my addiction and laziness. I got an email from the Biggest Loser Resort about a contest they were holding to find 10 people who would win a full month's stay at their location in Malibu. At first, I have to admit, I thought that it wasn't worth trying for because there was just no way I'd win. I'd been discouraged so many times by failed attempts at things like that, I didn't want to put myself through it. But something in the back of my head kept bringing the thought up again and again. I couldn't let it go. Finally, I decided "What have I got to lose?" and I submitted a 2 minute video to the Biggest Loser Resort's 2012 Year of You Contest. I also entered an essay and form to give them more information about myself. A week later the voting opened and the actual contest began.

I went absolutely all out for this thing. I tried everything I could think of to scrounge up votes, with the help of a friend and fellow-contestant. We called news stations, sent emails, begged friends (and sometimes strangers) via facebook or twitter, and had our friends and families doing the same. After two weeks of intense chaos and stress, the Resort announced the Top 30 as based on the public votes. Much to my shock and joy, I had made it on to the next round. Then it was time to wait another two weeks for a panel of judges from the Biggest Loser to decide who the lucky 10 would be. Obviously, this was the most agonizing two weeks of my life. At first I was somewhat calm. I thought I'd just sit back and leave it all up to God... whatever happens, happens and His plan will unfold as it's meant to. But of course, the closer the 31st got, the more I began to sweat. Was my entry good enough? Did I show enough personalty? WHAT exactly were they looking for in the winners? Did I deserve it at least as much as the other 29 finalists? I was afraid the judges wouldn't see that.

But they did :-) On Tuesday, January 31st at 1:20 pm, after days of excruciating worry and talking myself off an emotional ledge several times, I got the phone call of a lifetime. They had actually selected me to be one of the 10 winners and I would get to go to the Fitness Ridge Resort in Malibu for a MONTH! Whaaaaat?!?!?? I was so emotional and overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude! I still can't believe that it's real and it's going to happen. They're going to be the change that I need and help me turn my life around. It's an unbelievable opportunity and I'm so thankful to have won.

Now all of this is to say that I'm doing this blog because I don't get to go to the Resort until December of 2012. That's a full 10 months from now! Of course I'm thrilled to be going at all but the idea of waiting to start this process when I'm so amped up today is scary. I don't want to lose this motivation that I'm feeling right now, in this moment! So I thought that if I could get the ball rolling and commit myself to documenting it at least once a week, then I'd keep my motivation going. When you're putting your goals and progress out there to share with friends and family, it gives you something to work towards. Slowly but surely. So... at the end of every month between now and December, when I get to ship out for my incredible month with the Biggest Loser, I'll  update my progress. In the off time I'll share what I'm doing as far as eating habits and exercise go (things that can fit between three jobs) and as I move forward I'll be able to see how I'm doing. Hopefully by this time next year, a full 12 months, I'll be at or around my goal weight.This is me taking a stand for a new life! If you want to share in it, I'd love to have you along for the ride! Lets do this. I'm holding nothing back. No secrets and no more shame!

Starting weight as of February 2012: 296 lbs.
Goal weight by February of 2013: 170 lbs.

Goal #1: 8 lbs. down by March 1st. Ready, set, GO!

1 comment:

  1. You're so brave. Truly, I am so proud of you, KJ. You are an ispiration, not only to me but to so many people. I love you always.
