Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Reverse Bucket List

I know the title may have you wondering, what the heck is she talking about? What's a reverse bucket list? Well, unlike Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, I am not ready to make my list of things to do before I "kick the bucket". I'm ready to do everything I've been missing out on once I can finally start living!

There are so many things that I've never been able to do because my weight held me back. Sometimes it was because I was afraid of injuring myself, being too heavy, or breaking something but other times it was because I thought people would judge me. I thought they might look at me and say "Why is the fat girl trying to do that?" and instead of dealing with that feeling of embarrassment, I'd just sit the fun stuff out. I even faked sick on a school ski trip once because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stay up on the skis. How lame is that?

So it's time to start making plans for the new life I'm going to live in less than a year! Once I've reached my goal weight, I want these to be my new goals that I can chase after and achieve without the fear. It's time for the girl who's barely been living to have every fulfillment she can. We only get one life... it's time for me to stop wasting it!

Here's the start to my Reverse Bucket List! I'll add more as the ideas come to me but this is all I could think of today. I know some of these may seem trivial but if you're thinking that it's probably because you've done them before. I legitimately have never done any of them. Can't wait to get started!

Shop in a regular store
Ride a rollercoaster in comfort
Wear dresses… every day
Audition for a play with confidence
Audition for a part other than character type (ingenue maybe?)
Wear shorts and sleeveless shirts in the summer
Enjoy running
Be able to throw a solid punch
Do a cartwheel
Get a piggy-back ride
Dance in a club
Do a switch leap and fouettes
Become certified to teach Zumba and Pump
Get asked on a date
Go on said date without worrying about judgment
Jump really high on a trampoline
Do a chin-up
Run a marathon
Swing dance
Win at arm-wrestling
Go bungee-jumping and sky-diving
Learn to surf
Go rock-climbing
Crowd surf
Go water-skiing
Ride a horse bareback
Have my own band and perform
Learn to belly dance
Do yoga (without sweating like a pig and gasping for air)
Ride a zip line
Go white water rafting
Wear a two-piece bathing suit
Ride a rip-cord
Ride a bike in the French countryside
Get married
Have kids
Play outside with my kids
Live a healthy life!

Stay tuned friends... there's more to come!

1 comment:

  1. As your bff I had no idea some of the stuff you wanted to do! But I totally get it and a lot your goals are my goals as well.

    Also, I love you and you will get this!

