Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Wind in My Sails

This process is a tough one. To go from living a basically sedentary lifestyle to an active and healthy one can be unbelievably grueling at times and some days yes, I do want to turn back. Being a couch potato and eating whatever I want is FAR easier than getting up early to work out and taking time to prepare meals and continuously saying no to people who offer me my favorite sweet treats. There are times when I want to order in food and hide and binge because it's what I used to do. That is comfortable to me. But when I feel that mindset beginning to creep up, I think about all of the things that make this process great.

1) I already feel SO much better! Getting up and working out does cut into my sleep time and I am not always excited to do it but afterwards, I feel like I did something worthwhile and my day will be better because of it. My mood has improved a good deal. I also find it easier to face the daily food temptations when I've worked out!

2) I can feel the results. So many people base their weight loss success on the numbers on the scale or the inches they measure off their waist. I don't need to see the numbers. I can feel the areas in my body that are being affected and I can feel some of my clothes getting bigger, slowly but surely! I also am having a much easier time at work, going up and down stairs and pushing kids in wheelchairs up the hallway ramp. Before I began this journey I was out of breath after a few steps. Now I'm making it all the way to the top with energy to spare, which is awesome.

3) Some people are noticing. It's only been about four weeks since I started but the people who know me well are seeing the small changes. Not always in the way you'd think. Some have noticed that my pants are slightly looser or my face is a little less round but most comment on the mood changes. I'm happier with a strong sense of purpose now and they see that and tell me how much better I seem.

4) I have an amazing support system. Not everyone is supportive. Some actually do try to bring me down with negativity or temptation but the people who are helping me with this far outweigh the bad. I get awesome messages from people who tell me they've enjoyed following my progress or offer moral support or just want to tell me they think I'm doing a good job. That, above anything else, makes me feel the best! To know that I have people who don't judge me and appreciate what I'm doing is the biggest blessing I could get through doing this. Just yesterday I got a message from my friend Will that really lifted my spirits when I was feeling tired and needed a boost. He said "I know you can do it because you're amazing and a fighter and are gonna kick butt and have people who love and support and are proud of you. So don't ever say you can't. Because you're wrong. You're Kelly Jo." I felt immensely blessed by that encouragement! Unprovoked and at just the right moment, he gave me that boost of energy I needed to get up and do my evening work out. It felt fantastic!

These are just some of the reasons I know this is going to work. These are just some of the reasons I keep going every single day. Because they push me onward. I know that it can only continue to get better! So when I start to feel like I want to give in to laziness or go back to what's comfortable, I remember these things that keep me moving full speed ahead. And it's completely worth it :-)


  1. I'm so proud of you. I have already become motivated by you! Keep on keeping on...even when the going gets tough! Jody
