It is also important for me to note that this meal plan is tailored specifically to what I like and what I generally have time to prepare. Many people will tell you to stay away from frozen foods and packaged meals because of the processing and sodium BUT for me, it's what works the best and is still proving to be successful.
So here is a three day sample of what I eat. It covers two Lean Out days and one Load Up day. The reason I didn't cover all the way to Saturday is because the rest of the week I tend to reuse the same stuff. Hey... I like what I like, right? :-)
Breakfast: Multigrain cheerios, skim milk, apple
Snack: Light string cheese
Lunch: Turkey sandwich on wheat bread with fat
free american cheese, lettuce, and tomatoe
Reduced fat cheez-its (14 crackers)
Snack: Light and fit yogurt
Dinner: Grilled lemon chicken, vegetable medley of
broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots
Breakfast: Special K Red Berries cereal, skim
milk, nectarine
Snack: Fiber One 90 calorie bar
Lunch: Smart Ones chicken rigatoni
Broccoli and light ranch dressing
Snack: Pineapple bits
Dinner: Vegetable burger on wheat bun and fat free
Fig Newtons
Breakfast: Egg white omelet with cheese and turkey
sausage, V8 Fusion Light juice
Snack: Nutrigrain bar
Lunch: Lean Cuisine flatbread meal
Snack: Nature Valley protein bar
Dinner: Gluten free mac and cheese with Hebrew
National beef franks, cut up and mixed in
* Dessert* Skinny Cow fudge bar
Along with these kinds of meals, I've also been drinking at least 8 large cups of water every day. The idea behind the amount of water you should drink is to take your weight, divide the number in half, and that's how many ounces of water your body needs.
Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any and all questions, if you have them. I enjoy helping any way I can!
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